Saturday, September 26, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009 BIRD DAY!!! :D after dinner's chat! :D (look at Brenda. LOL) updated by GER Sunday, September 20, 2009 CG coordinator this coming Fri, 25Sept2009 Games: Geraldine & Penny Praise: Brendan Tan Worship & Word: Dorcas Xu Testimony: Brenda Lai Offering: Jie Jin Song Sheets: Kenrus Saturday, September 19, 2009 Friday, September 18, 2009 CG coordinates today(hope i'm not late to post this). Games(15 mins): Wan Fong & Jessie Praise: Brendan Tan Worship: Brenda Testimony & Word: Dorcas Xu Offering: Kenrus Refreshments: Jie Jin Song Sheets: Kenrus Monday, September 14, 2009 Q6. Should Christians marry an unbeliever? Absolutely not. The Bible says, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers...what accord has Christ with Belial?" Billy Graham put it very succinctly a few years ago when he said that if you take an unbeliever for a mate you also get the devil for your father-in-law. Much heartache results when Christians marry unbelievers. Some Christians go ahead and marry unbelievers, thinking that they can convert them after marriage. But if God has really chosen that man or woman for you, He is perfectly capable of bringing that person to Himself before the marriage. If He does not do it, it is a good enough sign that this marriage is not what He wants for you. Christians need to learn to wait on the Lord to wait for what is right. Anything short of that can prove to be a dreadful mistake. Credits: idk who with lotsa love GER Monday, September 7, 2009 Hallelujah. I'm so happy that after blessing Lucas on Saturday. My dad poured out his blessings too, last night(: Not only he's blessing me money. But also a new phone. Woohoo~ I thought he'll say, "Don't buy phone la. I no money. Shoo." But his reply was, "Oh. How much you need? When are you buying? Let me know again. Don't buy so ex one uh!" Hah!!! Indeed God is a good God. And what touch me was, i received even though i haven't prayed for it and i even doubt on having it. It was like whoa! hah. Dear friends, prayers really do work! Have faith and you'll receive. Another thing which i think i have to praise God. Penny's working as a surveyor and have to complete 40 surveys by Thursday. But she have 25 left. As we planned to go out tmrw, she's afraid that she can't go last minute due to her incomplete task. She asked me for a prayer request and i did. I prayed that she'll complete 15 today so she'll have 10 left. She just messaged me telling me that she've completed 13 and have 10 left(i don't know how she have 10 left when she completed 13. Maybe she left 23 and gave me wrong info. hah). Woohoo~ indeed God is a great God and He answers our prayers quickly. (: heh. Seek, Knock, Ask and you'll receive(: and thanks to all who prayed for Lucas. I believe he'll recover fast. ^^ p/s. He's having 6days MC. ): so he might not be able to join us for CG and service on Friday and Saturday. with lotsa love GER Q5. Does Satan know what I am thinking? We do not know precisely how much Satan knows or does not know of what we are thinking. Scientists have shown that electrical current is generated by the human brain. According to at least one source I read, this current takes on the transmission qualities of radio signals. This explains, in some measure, why people who are very close often know what each other is thinking without spoken words bring exchanged. For this reason, it is possible that Satan knows at least a little bit about what we are thinking. It would seem, also, that satanic forces are aware of blessings and opportunities that lie before believers. It seems that demonic forces do everything they can to discourage the Christian just at the moment of blessing. That has happened repeatedly in my life. Just before some great blessing comes, a time of maximum attack or discouragement seems to occur. We do not know how well-informed, intelligent, or powerful Satan and his demons are. We understand something of their abilities, but we cannot be too definitive. What we do know is that as believers, we have authority over Satan and his entire army. We also learn that God has placed a hedge of protection around us. We have the ability to attack and defeat Satan while being defended by God against Satan. credits: idk who. with lotsa love GER p/s. i underline it because i think it's so true. Friday, September 4, 2009 Q4. Can a Christian be demon possessed? People disagree over whether or not Christian can be demon possessed. I recall an incident from my own life when I was staying in a motel near Seattle, Washington. One morning, when I was in that stage between sleep and waking, an awful depression seized me. I felt that everyone was against me, that people around me were falling, and that everything I was doing was falling to pieces. Discouragement overwhelmed me like a dark cloud. As I struggled to wake up, I realized I was under demonic attack. I immediately took control over it and said, "Satan, in the name of Jesus, I cast you forth." The minute I said that, my mind was free and my despair was gone. I realized later that the Seattle-Tacoma area led the nations in suicides. The spirit that was coming upon me was a suicidal spirit, the sort of influence that would lead to such depression that a person would wish to kill himself. I was in an area where many had been gripped by this kind of demon. Had I not recognized what I was dealing with, I could have gone into a very deep depression that would have been hard to get out of. Even Spirit-filled Christians are subject to this kind of demonic influence upon their minds or in their bodies. However, I believe that if our spirits are joined with Jesus Christ, there is no way a demon can possess them. We have given our spirits to the Holy Spirit who keeps them safe. He is stronger than demons. So I believe it would be impossible for a Christian to be possessed in his spirit by a demon. credits: idk who. with lotsa love GER Wednesday, September 2, 2009 dear members. please give CG FUND to Brenda Lai!!! $1 only. hahah. once per week k? thanks. last week you guys never give CG FUND. so please give $2 this week (: thank you very much! with lotsa love GER |
KongHee KongHee(Chinese) KongHee(TW) SunHo CityHarvest FlashBacks OnlineServices Phavdy Annabelle Melissa WanFong Dorcas Brenda Brendan Penny Lucas SeowShi Geraldine Jessie Ivan Jasmine Kenrus Trinity as updated on 1st Sept -Birthday Gifts: Penny&Jessie -Birthday Cards: WanFong&SeowShi -Song Sheets: Kenrus -Refreshments: JieJin, JieLin&Gracia -Welfare(Bless and/or encourage members with a card/gift): JieJin, JieLin&Gracia -Treasurer: Brenda Guitar Teacher(Train up the next guitarist): Brendan Info Guy: Brendan Blog, Blog Anouncement&Bible Study: Ger August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 N161 WenQi |