Sunday, August 30, 2009
HEY HEY I'M SO EXCITED TO BE BLOGGING HERE. Because I can blog about GOD, JESUS, HOLY SPIRIT BOLDLY, FREELY and LOUDLY!!! AMEN! I've thought that since we are going to have new roles and responsibilites, let us also challenge ourselves to do things differently and with a even greater and excellent spirit. Let everyone of us step out of our comfort zone and start serving God with all our mind, with all our soul and with all our strength! And what would be a post for CG without a verse.... Thus says the LORD who made it, the LORD who formed it to establish it (the LORD is His name): "Call to ME, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." - Jeremiah 33:2-3 AMEN!!! Mr Yee Saturday, August 29, 2009 NORTH 161 Cell Group Leader - Dorcas Xu Guitarist/Praise Leader - Brendan Tan Treasurer/Worship Leader - Brenda Lai Refreshments/Offering - Trinity Yu Song Sheets/Testimony - Kenrus Yee Birthday Plans - Penny Chua & Jessie Chong Blog/CG Updates - Geraldine Ng Game Leaders - Geraldine Ng, Penny Chua, Jessie Chong, Lee WanFong NOTICE Penny & Ger to come up with a game by 11th Sept. WanFong and Jessie to come up with a game by 18th Sept. Please give your weekly Cell Group Fund to Brenda. $1 per week only(: no Cell Group Fund, no birthday gifts and/or celebration and no fellowship CG. [God loves a cheerful giver] to be updated again. very tired alr. :P LOL. spot anything wrong? feel free to mend it(: with lotsa love GER Hellos! (: My first post, shall post a revelation I received! Go on and read it, it will only take 5 minutes. Remember the cell group message that Dorcas shared last week? Well, we are going to revisit one of the verse. 1 Corithians 10:12 - "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!" As I read the verse, it dawned upon me that Paul is also emphasizing on a point: We need to take charge of our faith. Does our faith runs on an "auto-pilot" mode? When an airplane is flying on its due course with clear skies and minimal turbulence, the pilot can probably shift his flight into the "auto-pilot" mode as the plane flies on its chartered course. However, when turbulences begin to bring instability to the airplane, no pilot on earth would allow the plane to fly on "auto-pilot" mode as he sips on Lipton tea! Any sane person would definitely resume control of the airplane immediately. Our Christian life can be likened to the journey of an airplane too. We are making journeys all throughout our lives, growing from faith to faith, glory to glory. However, it would be silly to think that we can fly through storms on an "auto-pilot" faith. That is why Apostle Paul tells us to be careful if we think that things are going well and smooth, and nothing will go wrong. We got to constantly take charge of our faith, and fix our gaze upon Jesus and not the storms of life. Taking charge means to control, monitor, ensure it is working well, and always enhancing it to make it function more efficiently and effectively. Our faith can then grow stronger and larger through every journey we embark on. When the waters were still, Jesus walked on it. When the storms raged, Jesus calmed it. Take charge of our faith daily, and walk on the solid truths of the Bible, breakthroughs are always just ahead! - Peace Brendan 29th Aug, 2009 Wednesday, August 26, 2009 Last fri, Dorcas shared Pst Tan's cell group sermon on faithfulness to God. The illustration of "stabbing a knife into our hearts, bearing the discomfort and just doing our routine faithfully" has been playing over and over in my mind for the past few days. Every morning when I wake up, I would be reminded of it. Haha.. Working adults will understand this application a lot. Waking up early after sleeping late the previous night requires quite a tedious effort to overcome. Indeed, like what Dorcas said, you'll feel the most sick in the morning. Haha.. These few days, I have been keeping this sermon in my heart and I practised "stabbing the knife" into my heart. Amazingly, tho' I slept quite little (approx. 5hrs plus minus), I did NOT rely on a single milligram of caffeine to keep me awake (not to mention, energetic!) at work at all! To think I used to rely on coffee every single day. Haha.. Indeed, when you're faithful to God, He'll be faithful in meeting your needs. Now, I feel more energetic at work and I'm gona continue to do the routine, serve God, with added zealous and passion! I'll hope this will encourage you to do so too! =) Going cell group, bible study etc is definitely good! Sermons such as this will definitely cause you to grow closer to God and your life will begin to transform to be more Christ-like. This is one routine that I definitely love to do! =D Agape, Brenda Tuesday, August 25, 2009 hey guys(: i'm having my O level English oral this Thurs and hope that you guys can pray for me. (: hopefully the picture conversation is easier than i thought and that i can speak fluently and smoothly to the examiner during our conversation and/or the passage. thanks for the prayers. and God bless you all. (: with lotsa love, GER Friday, August 21, 2009 Q3. Can healings and other miracles be lost after they are received? It is possible to lose a healing. I remember I prayed for one girl who had terrible vision. She was virtually blind. After prayer, her vision slightly improve dramatically. But as she looked around, she thought, I can see, but I am not supposed to see! Her healing went away. There was no way we could get it back. It just left. When Peter saw that the Lord walking on the water, he wanted to walk on the water as he saw Jesus was doing. Jesus said, "Come on out." So Peter got on the side of the boat, put his feet on the water, and started walking. But then Peter thought, I am not supposed to be walking on water! The minute he started to think that, he started to sink. Today, some people receive healing and then think, I am not supposed to have this, and they lose it. The devil has a way of coming to people and saying, "You are not really healed." You still have that disease, and you had better go back and take your medicine and put your braces on." I remember one instance involving an acquaintance who was healed of multiple sclerosis. The doctors said he had a remission, but he knew it was a healing in answer to prayer. For a year, he had no evidence of the disease. Then one weekend, the entire force of multiple sclerosis began to come upon him. All the symptoms started to come back, and an entire weekend he wrestled against it, saying, "Satan, I will not accept this." In the name of Jesus, he continually proclaimed that he was well. When that weekend of struggle was over, the symptoms left him. He has not been troubled since then. But if he had given in to those symptoms, he would have once again had multiple sclerosis, and he probably would have died from it. credits: idk who. with lotsa love GER Thursday, August 20, 2009 Q2: How could Jesus be God and man at the same time? When we discussed the attributes of God, we said that one way of discussing Him is to say that He is immortal. He is eternal. In other words, He does not have a beginning or an end. We also said that He is invisible, and then we said that He is described in terms of omnis("all"). He is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. So the question is really, how is God, who is unlimited, infinite, and immortal, take upon Himself human nature which is finite, mortal, and limited? One possible clue is to consider that when God created man in His image, there may have been more similarity to the second Person of the Trinity than we have realized. Perhaps the gap between God and sinless man was not as great as we have always imagined. The Bible does tell us in 1 John 3:2, "We shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is." Jesus Christ, according to the Bible, is the very essence of God. Jesus is the express image of God, and the Bible says that "in Him all things consist." But we are also told that He emptied Himself in order to become a man. He did not empty Himself of His love, His goodness, His kindness. or His gentleness; for His divine nature was undiminished in the incarnation. But to become a human infant He did empty Himself of the eternal majesty that He shared in the presence of His heavenly Father. He went through the teen-age years, grew up to become a man, died, and then came back to life again. Jesus was a flesh-and-blood man, with all that entails, except for sin. When Jesus died on the cross, it was not an illusion. He really died. He suffered as men suffered. He became tired and hungry. He was not some superman, free from pain and discomfort. The Bible says that He was tempted in like manner as we are, yet was without sin. He went through all the problems that man can go through; yet He always possessed His divine nature and His awareness of the presence of the Father and the Holy Spirit. There are some people who say, "Well, He became God when the Holy Spirit came upon Him." But that is not what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches that He was truely God from the moment of His conception by the Holy Spirit. But at the same time He was fully human. Credits: idk who. with lotsa love Ger CELL GROUP is on on Friday at Dorcas' house at 7.45p.m to 9.15p.m. Dorcas: This week is an important week. We are going to share an important message during CG, a very good and timely message. And we'll share the direction of the CG too. We're multiplying and all of you make a tremendous difference to us multiplying. So please try your best to make it this Fri. for those who can't make it on Fri, we have a small meet-up on Sat before service. We'll be having chats, lunch and Dorcas will tell us roughly what CG was about on Fri. So please make it if you can(: Time and venue to be confirmed. Seeyou guys on Fri/Sat/Sun and God bless!!! Stay tuned!!! with lotsa love GER Labels: please make it alive people Wednesday, August 19, 2009 some of you may be familiar with this. some may not. there are 50 questions. and i'll post it when i saw that the blog is dead(: Q1. Will there ever be lasting world peace? Absolutely! We will have lasting peace on earth when the Prince of Peace returns. Jesus Christ has told us, and the Bible assures us, that He will come back agaib. When He comes, several things are going to happen. First, the rebellion of man against God is going to be put down. For a thousand-year period, God will restrain the evil that is in man and will not allow nations to fight one another. When that happens, men will take the tools of war and turn them into tools of peace. Isaiah 2:4 says that men will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks, and that people will not learn war anymore. With Satan out of the way, and man restrained, there will finally be peace. The Bible goes on to say: When the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea. They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them. When this prophecy is fulfilled, when Satan's final rebellion is crushed, there will be permanent peace. God will put away, out of His kingdom forever, everything that offends. He will take Satan and His followers and put them permanently into a place of capacity. From that time forward, there will never again be war. Until the earthly reign of Jesus comes, however, men will continue to fight one another. Jeus said there will be "wars and rumors of wars" right up until the time of the end. There is no way that a United Nations, a League of Nations, peace treaties, disarmament treaties, or any other human instrument can bring about peace. Such things mean nothing when one nation desires the land and resources of another. A lasting peace will never be built upon man's efforts, because man is sinful, vicious, and wicked. Until men are changed and Satan's power is removed, there will not be peace on earth. Until that day comes, all we can do is be strong enough to retrain the evil that is among us. To do anything other than that is uyopian and based upon wishful thinking rather than upon reality. credits: idk who with lotsa love GER Every time Susan opens her mouth, it sounds like the blare of an ambulance siren. This TV commercial uses humor to indicate that a dental physical ailment. So she'd better see her dentist soon! The commercial made me think about what comes out of my mouth when I open it. Jesus said that our words come from our heart (Matt. 15:18). He offended the Pharisees when He said, "Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man" (v. 11-12). They thought they were right with God because they followed strict rules, including ritual cleansing of their hands before eating and eating only "clean" foods. Jesus upset their pride. Jesus upsets our pride too. We may think we're godly people because we go to church regularly or pray, but then we gossip or talk about people behind their backs. James 3:9-10 says, "With[our tongue] we bless our God and Father, and with it we cure men... Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing... These things ought not to be so." If a siren blares from our mouth when we open it, we need to examine our heart and ask the Lord to forgive us and to help us be a blessing to others. -Anne Cetas Lord, cleanse our hearts so what we speak Will be reflective of Your grace; And help us to control our tongues So we'll not bring on You disgrace.-Sper credits: Our Daily Bread with lotsa love GER Tuesday, August 18, 2009 To all who don't know how to sign in. log into (click blogger) hah. with my email and password you all have, feel free to log in and post what you want(: [please post at the WE UNITE AS ONE blog] thanks!!! :D with lotsa love GER In the June 6, 1944, D-Day invasion of Europe, an armada of Allied ships assaulted the beaches of Normandy, France. Simultaneously thousands of airplanes dropped paratroopers into the action. Along with the paratroopers, the Allies also dropped hundreds of rubber dummies behind the enemy lines. Called "Ruperts," these dummies were intended to simulate an attack to confuse the enemy. As the Ruperts landed, some German outposts were tricked into fighting the "paradummies", creating a vital crack in the walls of Fortress Europe. We accepted that kind of deception as part of a legitimate military operation designed to thwart oppressive forces. What should we not accept is the deception Satan throws our way. Paul explained that the devil "transform himself into an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14), and his servants appear to be people who are promoting righteousness(v.15). We must be alert! Our spiritual enemy would love to have followers of Christ distracted by false teaching and faulty doctrine. But as we keep our eyes on Jesus and the clear teachings of Scripture, our Lord can keep us aimed in the right direction. Don't be tricked by Satan's Ruperts. -Bill Crowder Each day amid life's noisy throng We're bound to hear this world's case, And if we're not alert to wrong, The Savior's name we may disgrace. -D. De Haan Credits: Our Daily Bread with lotsa love GER Monday, August 17, 2009 At age 94, Pastor Willis was admitted into a care facility. From his wheelchair, he shared with joy how God had given him a new mission field to share the gospel. When he was bedridden a few years later, he spoke with enthusiasm of being in the best possible position to look up to Gos. When he died at the age 100, Pastor Willis left behind a legacy of one who sang a new song of praise at every turn of his life. Psalm 98 exhorts us to sing a new song for God who "has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory"(v.1). We ought to praise Him-even in times of difficulties-for God remembers "His mercy and His faithfulness"(v.3). Though this psalm is about God freeing the Israelites from slavery, it is prophetically also about our salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. And as we remember what God has done for us, we can trust Him to help us with today's difficulties as well as tomorrow's uncertainties. The psalmist wrote:"Let the sea roar, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell in it;... let the hills be joyful together before the Lord"(v7-9). Let us join God's creation in singing praise to our Savior! -Albert Lee I don't know about tomorrow, Nor what coming days will bring; But I know my Lord is with me, And His praise my heart will sing. -Fitzhugh credit: Our Daily Bread with lotsa love GER Sunday, August 16, 2009 Wow! I can finally post here!=) Anyway, my test is coming next wed to the following tue so pray that I will pass with flying colours!~~~~ GOD BLESS TO U ALL! PENNY Happy Birthday Belle(: and congrats Aunty Grace & Uncle Benjamin for their graduation in SOT(: hee. with lotsa love GER Saturday, August 15, 2009 *I'll try to not let the blog die. Please help by keeping it alive too. *Everyone are welcome. (: *Postings are strictly things about God. Things like: -Experiences you will want to share. -Testimonies you wanna share. -Outing organized by you -Prayers request, etc. -We don't mind some jokes to share. (: *Enjoy blogging. Cheers. (: #Done by Ger people. please comment about it. ty(: with lotsa love GER(: |
![]() KongHee KongHee(Chinese) KongHee(TW) SunHo CityHarvest FlashBacks OnlineServices Phavdy Annabelle Melissa WanFong Dorcas Brenda Brendan Penny Lucas SeowShi Geraldine Jessie Ivan Jasmine Kenrus Trinity as updated on 1st Sept -Birthday Gifts: Penny&Jessie -Birthday Cards: WanFong&SeowShi -Song Sheets: Kenrus -Refreshments: JieJin, JieLin&Gracia -Welfare(Bless and/or encourage members with a card/gift): JieJin, JieLin&Gracia -Treasurer: Brenda Guitar Teacher(Train up the next guitarist): Brendan Info Guy: Brendan Blog, Blog Anouncement&Bible Study: Ger August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 N161 WenQi |