Monday, June 21, 2010

Credited from Tumblr :)
i love this post a lot! (below)

His love pours down over us.
not shower or drizzle, but pouring all over us.
just like our parents' love for us. their love is never stingy or limited. 
left alone the father of all fathers,
lord of lords
and God of all.
May God bless.

with love
8:45pm, monday, 21 june

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

as you can see, ASIA CONFERENCE is just barely few hours away.
(okay a little bit than few la!)
i really cannot wait for tmr to come.
we will participate and learn new things from the electives 
then have dinner together 
and then NIGHT sermon!

due to my lesson, i cannot make it for the 1st morning sermon which i feel so 可惜.
but thank God that many lectures are cancelled this week that i wont miss the electives tmr!
for those who can make it, please attend k? is DR CHO!!

i cannot wait for AC to come!
i cannot wait to see you guys!
i cannot wait to meet Him. 

till next time, folks!
がばんって! =)

btw for those who hasnt tried posting here, please try to post something kk?
anything dat spread the love of God.
dun be afraid to post! :)))
signing off jessie <3

4:01pm, tuesday, 25 may

Not only asia conference is coming, NUANCES is also performing soon!


N161 all the way!


1 more day to ASIA CONFERENCE!!! ARE 


Dr Cho is coming. As well as Pst Phil, AR 

Bernard, Steve Munsey and i don't 

remember who :X

Not forgetting our(my) BELOVED 


Let's all get excited and get ready for Asia 

Conference!!! Count down count down!!!

 About 24hours more!!! WOOHOO~

Seeya all CG <3
signing off GER (:

Monday, May 17, 2010

YOO! as you can see, i have linked our cell group blog to facebook so everyone are notify if there is any new posts! :)

this coming week, Penny (wawa) is having her tests so let's wish her good luck and keep her in prayer ya!

9 more days to asia conference! r you excited?!
it is the time! 
let's attend as many sessions we can k?
PLUS PLUS!! we need to prepare for brendan and grace's final in CHC got talent!!
we need help to do the board etc etc to support them ya! :DD



Saturday, May 8, 2010


I bet everyone had fun on ytd combined CG right?
great meeting coupled with great message.

okay so let's get ourselves prepare for service!!
(yup! girls with their makeup on and guys with their hair done!)
3 1/2 hours to go!


with many loves
Jessie x)

Monday, May 3, 2010

seriously, we needa take a new pic for the cg blog soon! then let wf do everything :X ooops. hees. 
i will TRY t upload pics soon. ok. time t hit the sack!


[inspired to write this post when on the way home with penny and wan fong after discussing with them about spiritual gifts]

All of us are gifted in many different ways.
We all know that but what exactly are we gifted at?
Without discovering what we are gifted at is like burying them as if they don't exist at all.
So, ask yourself, what is/are your gift?

Supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit imparted to us by our faith
1) Word of wisdom
2) Word of knowledge
3) Faith
4) Healing
5) Working of miracles
6) Prophesy
7) Discerning of spirits
8) Different kinds of tongues
9) Interpretation of tongues

and i found this post in Daily Devotion

Zealous For Spiritual Gifts

3 May 2010
Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. 1 Corinthians 14:1
The Bible wants us to pursue love and desire spiritual gifts-to have both the gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit. You need them both to live a healthy Christian life. Someone else once said that the spiritual gifts are like the nine feathers on one wing of a dove. The fruit of the Spirit is like the nine feathers on the other wing of the dove (Gal. 5:22-23). A dove needs both wings to fly.

There are so many anti-Charismatic Christians who make statements like: “Well, I got the fruit of the Spirit, I don’t need the spiritual gifts. I am going after love, I don’t need tongues!” That is absolutely illogical. That kind of “love” argument is just a whip to beat Charismatics up with. What are you going to do with all your “love” if you can’t supernaturally meet the needs of the people all around you? Imagine a mother sitting by a dying child saying, “Honey, I love you. But mommy is going to sit here and just quietly love you. I’m neither going to pray nor will I call a doctor for you. I’ll just quietly love you with all of my heart!” What kind of love is that? That is just superficial loving with words but not loving in deed. In order to show genuine love, you must have the means to make that love effective. And what are the means? The gifts of the Holy Spirit!

Divorce love from the gift, and the Bible says you are just a sounding brass and a clanging cymbal (1 Cor. 13:1). But if you only have love without the gift, then what are you left with? Abject frustration! Therefore, you need them both-the love of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit! When the Church goes to meet the Bridegroom in the last days, it will be adorned with the gifts (1:7-8). And the Church that does not wear the gifts disqualifies herself to be the Bride. Say a young man loves a young lady and saves up everything he has to buy her a beautiful diamond ring. He wants to show how much he loves her and mark her out as the girl he wants to marry. But what if that girl refuses the ring. She will never marry that young man! You can’t refuse the love gift and still claim to have love. You can’t scoff at the gifts of the Holy Spirit and still claim to love the Spirit!

There is not a single shred of evidence that the supernatural gifts of God have already been withdrawn from the Church. It is a deception really. If you love the Lord, you will accept His gifts, which marks you out as a member of the Bride, adorned in anointed splendor.

and the 9 fruits are
1) Love
2) Joy
3) Peace
4) Patience
5) Kindness
6) Goodness
7) Faithfulness
8) Gentleness
9) Self-control

we cannot have spiritual gifts with spiritual fruit and vice versa.
so let's find them now.
May God bless. Amen


3 May 2010, 12:22am, monday

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

There are many things that came across my mind lately.
Worries, fears, uncertainty etc.
But whenever I am praying, this 3 words pop on my mind.
The voice that I heard called upon me to trust Him wholeheartedly.
Not the widely known 3 words; I love you.

But, is "Rely on me".

Yes, sometimes it is difficult to stay on the right track especially when life seems to be so upsetting.
It seems that it won't get any better based on the given circumstances and situations we are in.
We doubt, fail and get disappointed.
But somehow, things can get better!
That is when we choose not to lose hope and totally dependent on Him.
We exchange our burdens with His comforts.
Common questions such as "Where is He?" or "Has He abandon me?" are often asked.
But have we ask ourselves if we have seek Him enough?
Have we spend sufficient time with Him?
Have we really love Him with all our hearts?
He, is not for us to see but to feel.
When He comes to you, you will know He is here not by His appearance but by His presence.
I am addicted to the peace He gives me.
I am not perfect but You accepted me.
I am thankful for who You made me.
May God bless.

By: Jessie :)

1143am, April 19 2010, monday : Prayer meeting day 1!

KongHee KongHee(Chinese) KongHee(TW) SunHo
CityHarvest FlashBacks OnlineServices
Phavdy Annabelle Melissa WanFong
Dorcas Brenda Brendan Penny
Lucas SeowShi Geraldine Jessie
Ivan Jasmine Kenrus Trinity

as updated on 1st Sept
-Birthday Gifts: Penny&Jessie
-Birthday Cards: WanFong&SeowShi
-Song Sheets: Kenrus
-Refreshments: JieJin, JieLin&Gracia
-Welfare(Bless and/or encourage members with a card/gift): JieJin, JieLin&Gracia
-Treasurer: Brenda
Guitar Teacher(Train up the next guitarist): Brendan
Info Guy: Brendan
Blog, Blog Anouncement&Bible Study: Ger

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